Money Market Accounts vs Savings Accounts: Which Is A Better Choice?

Money Market AccountsThe Federal Reserve has been increasing interest rates as the economy has been getting stronger. Yet the rates on your savings account at the local brick and mortar bank is still holding steady at a fraction of a percentage. You go online and see online savings and money market accounts offering rates over 150 times higher.

You start thinking about all the extra money you could be earning from your hard-earned cash, but should you go with a savings account or a money market account? Which is better? What’s the difference between the two accounts?

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Save Money On Your Electricity Bills This Summer

Lower Summer Utility CostsWith summer officially arriving this week, you may have noticed your electric bills are rising almost as fast as the temperatures. At least during the wintertime, you can keep warm by putting on an extra hoodie or adding an extra blanket. In the summer, there is only so much clothing you can take off.

To keep your electricity bills down in the summertime as the heat goes up, here are some simple energy saving tips you can use to keep more money in your wallet.

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Smart Tips to Increase Your Website’s Speed and Performance

Snow Covered MountaintopAs a website or blog owner, how fast your site loads has an enormous impact on your site’s success. As internet speeds get faster, people are less willing to wait around for a site to load if it takes too long. With millions of other sites to choose from on the search results, it’s too easy for a visitor to hit the back button and click to a competitor’s site next on the list. Page speed is so important, Google has made it a ranking factor in their search algorithm.

In this guide I’m going to go over everything you can do to improve your website’s performance.

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Lenovo Ideacentre 720 Ryzen 5 Review

Lenovo Ideacentre 720 ReviewRecently we were on the hunt for business computers for a family member’s new office. Being a computer geek who has built my current PC from parts all sourced on sale during one Black Friday, I was tasked with finding something affordable yet still speedy enough for a business on a budget. In the end, we settled on three Lenovo Ideacentre 720 computers from Costco. Here are my thoughts on everything about this PC – the good, the bad, and the ugly, and why a self-proclaimed computer geek would buy a pre-built computer from a manufacturer.

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Creating Let’s Encrypt Free Wildcard SSL Certificates Tutorial

Free Wildcard CertificatesIn a blog post from last year, I wrote about why as a blogger or website owner you should use SSL for your sites, how to get free SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt and set them up to work with Apache webserver.

On March 13, 2018 LetsEncrypt announced support of wildcard certificates with the release of their new ACMEv2 protocol. So it’s time for a new tutorial on how to create a wildcard certificate. This time we will be setting them up to work with the webserver Nginx.

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How To File The Form 5500-EZ For Your Solo 401k in 2024

How To File A Form 5500EZApril 15 may have come and gone, but if you are the plan administrator for a Solo 401k or any other ERISA retirement benefit plan, there is another IRS deadline that you need to pay attention to. Neglecting to file a Form 5500 or filing one late can result in costly penalties.

The major benefit of opening a Solo 401k is the ability to contribute more than all the other tax-deductible retirement accounts available to a self-employed individual. The one “downside” you may have seen mentioned when opening a Solo 401k is the “additional paperwork” that is involved if you are acting as your own plan administrator. This additional paperwork is the yearly filing of the Form 5500 once your Solo 401k account reaches a certain size.

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Rideshare Insurance: What You Need to Know Before Driving

Uber and Lyft Rideshare InsuranceAre you thinking of making some extra money moonlighting as a rideshare driver in your spare time for Uber, Lyft, or any of the other rideshare, ride-hailing, or transportation network companies? Before you download the app and hop in your car to go speeding off to pick up passengers, there is an important first step you need to consider first.

I’m talking about auto insurance, more specifically, a rideshare insurance policy.

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DIY: Steelcase Player Chair Reupholstery Project

DIY Reupholstering ProjectA relative is currently venturing into starting their own business. One of the things that every office needs is furniture. Normally you can find used office furniture such as desks, bookcases, and file cabinets on Craigslist for amazing bargains and in some instances, even for free. In his case, he needed guest chairs for the waiting room. And he needed a lot of them and they needed to match.

Read about how we bought 24-year-old chairs, reupholstered them ourselves, and saved hundreds over buying new chairs, and thousands over paying someone else to do it.

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My car just hit 100,000 miles. Should I replace it with something new?

100,000 Miles OdometerThere is something about all those zeros appearing on the odometer that makes people think their car is going to blow up on them in any moment. Even my own mother is guilty of this, recently mentioning during dinner that their Toyota Corolla has almost 100,000 on it and it was becoming less reliable. A Toyota, of all cars! This came up because that little check engine light popped on when she was driving it one day and she immediately turned around and went back home.

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The Biggest Savings on Allergy Relief Medications for Spring 2024

Savings on Allergy ReliefAfter a cold and snowy winter in many parts of the country, temperatures are starting to warm up. The days are already longer with the extra hour of daylight from daylight savings. The arrival of spring also brings with it a familiar sight of cars and everything else covered in a layer of yellow pollen.

When everyone else is looking forward to spending more time outside enjoying the warmer days and blossoming flowers, for those of us with allergies spring means seemingly endless suffering from runny noses, congestion, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes. It is during this time of the year that stores see their stocks of allergy medication go flying off the shelves.

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