Over 26 and Still Haven’t Gotten the HPV Vaccine? The Shots Might Now Be Free

HPV Vaccine Immunization ShotOriginally Gardasil, the HPV vaccine was approved for people ages 9 to 26. People older than 26 who wanted to get the shots would have to pay out of pocket because insurance wouldn’t cover it.

In October 2018, the FDA announced that the vaccine has been approved for men and women up to age 45. FDA approval means that health insurance plans may cover the cost of the vaccine for those who missed out on the shots when the vaccine first became available because they were too old. Is the HPV vaccine shot really available now for free for people over 26?

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Worst 12 Mistakes to Avoid in Your 401k

401k Mistakes to AvoidWith Social Security and Medicare being unable to meet its obligations by the time many of us reach retirement age, it is all the more important that we do our own saving for old age.

To avoid having to eat ramen every day in retirement, here are the most common 401k mistakes you should avoid.

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401k Contribution Limits for 2025

401k Contribution LimitsEvery year in October, the IRS reviews the 401k contribution limits based on inflation data from the customer price index (CPI) and decides whether to increase the limits for next year.

This allows you to have more money available to grow tax-free so you aren’t depending on just social security in retirement.

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How Much Am I Charged for a Partial Fill and How To Avoid Partial Executions

Partial Eaten DonutLast month I was selling 1000 shares of a stock and I got a trade notification for a measly 20 shares. This is known as a partial fill. A partial fill occurs when you put in an order to buy or sell a stock and your brokerage can’t fulfill the entire order because there was insufficient shares at a particular price.

Find out how much commissions you can expect to be charged on a partial fill, and what you can do to avoid partial executions and paying extra commissions.

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Stock Trading Basics: How to Place Orders

Stock Trading Order BasicsIt is easy for a newbie investor to get overloaded by all the options that you need to think about when placing their first order. You are faced with things like market orders, limit orders, time-in-force, and more that you need to think about when all you want to do is buy a few shares of Starbucks.

On this post, I’m going to explain the various options that you will likely come across on the stock order placement page, what they do, and some things you will want to think about when buying a stock for the first time.

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What is Net Worth and How To Calculate Your Personal Net Worth

Personal Net WorthIf you follow the news whether it is politics, business, sports, or even celebrities, you will often hear the term “net worth” mentioned.

A quick look at the headlines for the past month reveals articles about President Trump inflating his wealth by billions, Jeff Bezos being worth $150 billion, to Kylie Jenner being the youngest billionaire. Forbes Magazine’s Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans is enormously popular and often referenced.

This brings up the question what exactly is net worth anyways?

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How to Close a Bank Account Easily Without Any Problems

Switching BanksAre you considering switching banks or closing your old bank account? You aren’t the only one. A Consumers Union survey found that nearly one in five checking account customers considered switching to a different bank or credit union, but less than half actually went through with it because it proved to be too much trouble.

Do your research and follow these steps and you will be on your way to taking control of your finances.

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Important Reasons Why You Should Always Carry Cash

Carry Cash In Your WalletRemember cash? Those pieces of paper with denominations and portraits of presidents printed on them? Besides rappers using them to make it rain at the club, cash is still accepted almost everywhere by people all over the world to pay for products and services. Yet with the rise in popularity of digital payments along with debit and credit cards, less and less people are carrying around this form of payment.

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7 Biggest Money Mistakes To Avoid In Your 20s

Snow Covered MountaintopI was making small talk with someone earlier this month and we were talking about what age would be the perfect age if we could go back in time. I settled on the age of 25. What’s not to like about your 20s. For many of us, we’ve finally got done with school and started our first real job that’s not asking someone if they want fries with that. We are all bright-eyed and ready to take on the world and experience all that it has to offer.

Since your 20s are the foundation for the rest of your life, here is my personal advice on the worst financial mistakes that I think 20-somethings should avoid making.

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The Tenant Screening Guide to Avoid Nightmare Renters

How To Screen TenantsWhether you are an aspiring real estate investor with plans for dozens of properties or if you are renting out your residence because you have to move for a job, knowing how to screen potential tenants can reduce the amount of stress and headaches from being stuck with a problem tenant.

I’ve been a landlord and I’ve also been a renter so I’ve been on both sides of the screening process. Here are some tips and a step-by-step guide on how to find great tenants.

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