How Paying Your Taxes With A Credit Card Can Earn You Hundreds

Income Tax TimeIt’s that time of the year again that no one looks forward to. 1099’s are showing up in the mailbox which means tax season is right around the corner.

If you have a big tax bill due to the IRS, there is something you can do to lessen the blow to your wallet by paying your taxes with something that’s currently in your wallet. No, I don’t mean pocket lint. I’m talking about paying your taxes with your credit card.

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Credit Cards vs Debit Cards and Why You Should Stop Using Debit Cards Immediately

Credit CardThe Credit CARD Act of 2009 also made it harder for those under 21 to get a credit card by prohibiting credit card companies from giving out free swag on college campuses and requiring proof of income or a co-signer to get a credit card. Thus, a whole new generation of adults do not see any reason to have a credit card. Instead, they are using debit cards.

Here is why I believe credit cards are not always bad and why you shouldn’t use debit cards.

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