20 Smart Ways To Save Money On A Road Trip

UtahWith the arrival of spring and nicer weather, many of you may be starting to think of going somewhere for spring break or summer vacation. Depending on how many people are in your group, it may be cheaper to drive than fly.

Driving offers a lot of flexibility and benefits than other methods of travel. Here are ways you can save money during your next road trip.

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We Own Too Much Stuff

ClutterSelf-storage is an interesting concept. Behind rows of corrugated metal doors at the self-storage facility are closets filled with items that people couldn’t bear to throw away. Instead they are paying monthly rent for space not for people to live in, but to store things so they can make more room at home to buy even more things.

We simply own too much stuff in our lives. Here is why the minimalism movement is attracting more and more people.

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Credit Cards vs Debit Cards and Why You Should Stop Using Debit Cards Immediately

Credit CardThe Credit CARD Act of 2009 also made it harder for those under 21 to get a credit card by prohibiting credit card companies from giving out free swag on college campuses and requiring proof of income or a co-signer to get a credit card. Thus, a whole new generation of adults do not see any reason to have a credit card. Instead, they are using debit cards.

Here is why I believe credit cards are not always bad and why you shouldn’t use debit cards.

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Shave For Less: Taking A Razor To Shaving Costs

Cartridge Razor vs Double Edge RazorI estimate I’ve been shaving for over 2 decades now. When I started growing facial hair in high school, my father handed me a Gillette Sensor Excel razor which was a free sample that arrived one day in the mail. If you think about it, that is a pretty ingenious marketing strategy if assuming I shaved every other day, replacing the cartridge once a month at $2 each, I would have spent $480 just on the razor cartridges alone over the years.

One day I got tired of spending so much for cartridge refills and switched to this, potentially saving me hundreds of even thousands in my lifetime.

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Encrypt and Secure Your Blog With Free SSL Certificates From Let’s Encrypt

It was just over a year ago when if you wanted a SSL certificate for your blog or website, you had to pay for it with your hard-earned dollars.

This all changed in December 2015 when Let’s Encrypt started offering free SSL certificates to the public. In less than a year they’ve issued over 20 million free certificates. Never heard of Let’s Encrypt, or are wondering why you should get a certificate for your blog? Read on for more details on how to setup a certificate with Let’s Encrypt in 15 minutes.

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Don’t Throw Away Money On Your Rebate Debit Cards

Patriot Rewards CardOne of the best ways to save money is buying things when a store or company offers a rebate on an item. Years ago, the rebates would come in the form of a paper check that you take to the bank and deposit. Lately, more and more rebate vendors are sending rebates as a prepaid debit card.

While prepaid debit cards or gift cards with a Visa / Mastercard / Discover / AMEX logo work like any normal debit card, they can become a hassle when you have small amounts of money on them.

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